Us at the Ralph band gig (most recent us looking happy somewhere other than home pic). So its official, today (31st January) is our two year anniversary! When I turned up on a freezing night two years ago today little did I realise what I was letting myself in for! (kidding). Last year we braved the streets of Oxford to go to our favourite tapas place, this year however called for something slightly different. Enter The London Science Museum
Jam has wanted to go there for ages so we took the day off work and headed to South Kensington. You start off in the space section, this giant globe showed all different views of earth, this nice one of an aqua blue planet being my favourite. It wasn’t long before Jam found spacemen…
I found the spaceman quite sinister actually, (I’m holding episodes of Dr Who entirely responsible).
Eek! There were also lots of old shuttles and models of spacecraft (my favourite was mounted on the ceiling and so big I couldn’t fit it all in, but there were these which I did manage to photograph:
But this was my favourite thing (apologies for the poor quality photo, it was behind lots of very thick glass)
Can you guess what it is? No? A piece of the moon!
After the space bit there is a general transport/how it’s evolved on section. I think I could find a use for this particular exhibit
Every castle needs a carriage, plus it even comes with my initials already on it, such convenience!
We also found this penny farthing (behind glass, so people like Jam’s youngest sister couldn’t steal it, she thinks they are fab!)
The next thing we found I had to take many photos of as I had to write many essays on it in GCSE history…
And here is some of the other cool stuff we found.
I thought I was pretty unlikely to encounter any interesting fabric related stuff but I was wrong, there was a whole section on materials and in it this beauty: