So last weekend my sheerly superb friend from uni Mr Alex Wood (yes you should know him by now he has appeared on this blog many, many times) got all grown up and MARRIED to his long term girlfriend Victoria. Nichy and I were in attendance and we had a great day after an early emergency ( I arrived at the wedding 2 hours early only to find that Nichy had given me the wrong station and was waiting for me in her car 40 miles away, oh dear), I think this slight crisis worked out worse for Nichy who had to get changed in her car in the
car park of the wedding venue (I’m sorry sweetie) while I got to spend the time chatting with Wood and making myself look presentable… (It’s getting away with stuff like this that convinces me my friends love me). The wedding itself took place in Hagley Hall in Worcester ( and then we all trooped off to a nearby hotel (where we were staying) for the reception.
The speeches were all excellent, I particularly enjoyed Alex’s (which I got a mention in, how awesome is that?!?, he thanked me for excellent guidance (?!?) and for not hitting his father the first time I met him (his dad was really patronising and told me to ‘go and put the kettle on, there’s a good girl’ accompanied with hand tap, grrrr )). Unfortunately one of our party fainted at about this point so we dragged him to our room and made
him lie down. After the speeches came the dancing, we were really lucky to get put on a table with some awesome people so after a slow number with Alex (who looked loads and loads and loads taller than me cause I’d taken my heels off), and a jazzy one with Chris (who I used to work with at the sugarhouse, seen here mid waltz) the girls and I burnt that disco down (there shall be no photographic evidence of that here, however I have been informed that there is both photographic and video evidence in exsistance, heaven help us!). Our other friend from Uni Pete turned up with his wife (they are all at it!) Laura and we crashed out on the sofas and had a good catch up. Nichy and I were staying the night so we went back to our room pretty early (to drink tea and talk about boys :-). I got back pretty late on Sunday but I’ve got to say it was a completely awesome wedding/weekend & so great to catch up with all my uni friends and see Alex so happy.