So on Sat after all the bake off madness was over (well we had dropped the cake off, I think the judging was still happening) we set off for a very special leaving party. Jamses youngest sister Kat is finally living out her traveller dreams and has a 1 year work permit for Australia. Kat was the first member of Jam’s family I ever met (she was walking along the road going the other way when I went to see his mum for the first time) & over the last 3 years Jam and I have been together I’ve got to know her I think pretty well. So her leaving party was a sytrange mix of being really excited for her setting off on this new adventure, but also sadness that she won’t be around anymore. Kat’s last priority before leaving blighty was to have an awesome party & it was held at a beautiful national trust house rented by some of her friends (no neighbours for miles, yep you guessed it, the party raged till 4am). Here is some of what went down in photo terms. We were lucky enough to camp over in the houses beautiful grounds and it was really magical to be able to see all the stars and listen to the dawn chorus. Goodbye Kat, have an amazing time, you will be missed!
Beautiful house
Topiary chicken, cause why wouldn’t you?
Magical party fairyland
One of Kat’s friends who rented the house, loved the jacket which apprently was inside out, great colour.
Most of clan O’B (I couldn’t round all of them up at the same time, Kat’s in the green)
The light fading out