So a few weeks ago I saw a poster at work for the Oxfordshire bake off. Not only was baking fever coming to a school near us but all the money raised was going to Oxfam and local childrens hospice Helen & Douglas house (the same charity I ran dressed as santa for a few years ago). Having perused the catagories I decided I wanted to bake a BIG cake, the theme was movies so there was only one choice really being as we are in Oxford…
The cake itself is a rich ginger
, covered in royal icing,
sprayed gold (this was a bit of a nightmare, I ran out of gold the morning of the competition…) then all you need to do is copy out all the symbols onto edible paper using edible pen.
Finally myself and the cake were ready to face the bake off.
(note the chaos behind me) And what a bake off it was. As well as some lovely stalls (how tempted was I by the cupcake teacup, ohhh very tempted).
I also managed to find myself an Emily, seen here with her Victoria sponge entry
Without a doubt the entries to my own big cake category and sister category cupcakes (theme books) were really beautiful. Starting with the cupcake entries:
Charlie and the chocolate factory. And these lovelies were in my category
Jelly babies at the movies
I wasn’t sure what film this was but i very much liked the icing hat!
Despicable me. Alas I didn’t win anything but I hope all my cake sold & everyone enjoyed eating it. The bake off was a massive success & made a wopping £4,000 for the charities, great work from everyone who baked & Kate & her wonderful team for pulling all this together, see baking can change the world!