So I have neglected this blog yet again, but the times they have been a changing and I’ve been very busy, too busy in fact to type a single word that wasn’t work related. Fear not however as in this time away from the keypad I have been taking photos and I will try and update the castle archieves shortly. The attached photo shows Witchcat indulging in one of her favorite hobbies, Door Time. This was something that started off when she was a kitten and we thought as she grew up she would grow out of it (like, thankfully, the climbing the curtains ‘phase’) but because se is a relatively small cat she can still get on top of the door with relative ease. She does it when she is a bit bored of me (which usually happens when it’s wet outside (she still doesn’t like the rain either, some things never change)). I think I should maybe take a leaf out of her book and have my own door time next time I get fed up of the world (mine usually happens in the bath however…)So back to the present, this week, it’s going to be relatively short as I stayed at Towersey for the bank holiday Monday and I’ve got Friday afternoon off to play rounders for my office (yes that rounders, the one you played at secondary school, I thought it would stop after I left secondary school, clearly I was wrong). This weekend is also looking pretty hectic. On Saturday its the brilliant Wallingford Bunkfest, if you are local (or even if you are not) and you haven’t got plans go along, most of the events are free and its a really great little festival. Further details Sunday I’m doing sound for an all day gig, which is a real shame as a couple of my friends were proposing a proper pub lunch 🙁 I will be sad to miss it that’s for sure…
Also coming up is my placement with a bulding contractor in Liverpool for charity habitat for humanty (more info on them can be found here I’ve included the draft schedule below so you can judge for yourselves what kind of day awaits me) but yet again there are clashes. Unfortnately my attendance in Liverpool means I’m going to miss someone very special’s birthday (he know’s who he is ,and I know he reads this as he was berating me for not updating it), hopefully I’ll get the chance to make it up to him at some other point). On the Friday before I’m also playing at something that I think might go on quite late. Is it more sensible not to go to bed I wonder… and so it goes on. Normal service should be resumed shortly 🙂
September 12th
1am – Meet at central London meeting point
8am – arrive Liverpool Habitat for Humanity site
8am – 8:50am Team breakfast, location to be confirmed
9am – Meet on building site
9:15am – Welcome and registration (Health & Safety briefing)
9:30am – collect boots, hard hats, high visibility vests etc
10:30 – 10:45am – Tea break (provided by Habitat for Humanity)
12:30 -1:15pm Lunch break (provided by Habitat for Humanity)
3:45pm Clear site, tools down, return boots, hats, vests
4pm – finish working, leave Habitat for Humanity site
4pm – 5pm Team dinner, location to be confirmed
5pm – drive home! Depending on traffic we should get back sometime around midnight