Going all golden & baking up a storm

So a few weeks ago I saw a poster at work for the Oxfordshire bake off. Not only was baking fever coming to a school near us but all the money raised was going to Oxfam and local childrens hospice Helen & Douglas house (the same charity I ran dressed as santa for a few Read more about Going all golden & baking up a storm[…]

Endeavouring to please

Yesterday Zoe and I headed to Oxford to see an exhibition being hosted by the Bodleian called Magical Books. At the heart of the exhibition were the original maps from middle earth, Narnia and Lyra’s Oxford. They also had a version of the alethiometer but alas no photos were allowed so you’ll have to visit Read more about Endeavouring to please[…]

It’s a kind of Magic

Last night I took Jam to the New Theatre to see The Illusionists, a collection of seven magicians who tour together. The show started with the escape expert (who was suspended upside down from the ceiling in a straight jacket, obviously) escaping. Before a full size steam train appeared on on the stage. There were Read more about It’s a kind of Magic[…]

Making felty squirrels

So we are back in Oxford! I was lucky enough not to go straight back to work but go on a needle felting course with the lovely (& fantastically talented) Gretel from Middle of Nowhere at the Queen’s head pub in Eynsham. We were all due to make a squirrel but the first task was Read more about Making felty squirrels[…]

A passion for fashion at the Ashmolean

This Friday we headed off to the Ashmolean for a late night organised by Oxford Fashion week. There were models showing off designer dresses, with the chance to photograph or sketch if that was your thing (these are a couple of my favourites, there was a theme of clothing from different countries and different decades). Read more about A passion for fashion at the Ashmolean[…]

Greg and Jo’s housewarming

You may remember that himself and I have been disappearing off on Sunday’s to help our friends Greg and Jo finish their house. Tasks we have completed so far include adding insulation (it was sheeps wool, lovely stuff), putting in a water proof membrane in their bathroom and plastering (the plastering was all Jam, I’m Read more about Greg and Jo’s housewarming[…]