Burns night and a 60th birthday

This Burns night Jam and I made our way to Garsington Village hall to take part in a rather special burns night birthday celebration. My friend Chris (who I used to play in a band with) was turning 60 and to mark the occasion he had hired out the village hall intent on filling it Read more about Burns night and a 60th birthday[…]

Time for a few more resolutions….

Before Christmas along the corridors of work I started noticing small blue and green posters asking if I had plans for the New Year? At that point I knew that 2014 was going to be an epic year but I wasn’t sure how exactly that was going to happen. Enter stage right the New Years Read more about Time for a few more resolutions….[…]

The puppet challenge – the beginning

A new year and time for a new challenge! Just before Christmas I saw the call for participants in the puppet challenge over on Clive Hicks-Jenkins artlog, a puppet challenge being curated by Peter Slight, the theme of the challenge is fairy tales, folk tales & myths. I was thinking I might come across inspiration in my new Read more about The puppet challenge – the beginning[…]

What I got for Christmas

 With the wrapping paper well and truly off (and residing in the recycling, as it should be) I thought a quick recap of the amazing presents I received this year was in order. First up this amazing 1901 copy of Hans Christian Andersons Fairy tales, which it would seem has arrived just in time (more Read more about What I got for Christmas[…]

White choc and cranberry cookies

Every year in December we usually get really busy, so this year I promised myself I wouldn’t add any extra stress by adding anything ‘extra’ into my diary. I failed at this miserably last week when a friend at work organised a bake sale to raise money for Crisis to provide a Christmas, meal, healthcheck and Read more about White choc and cranberry cookies[…]

Jam’s birthday and a green fair at work

 Jam celebrated ‘a significant’ Birthday in December, so as well as taking him to see one of his favourite bands Ade Edmonson & the Bad Sheppard’s I also booked us a table at local eatery Gee’s. The restaurant itself is situated inside a large glass house, so even if the weather is terrible (as it usually is in Read more about Jam’s birthday and a green fair at work[…]