A photo trip to Giffords

A week ago I spotted a new post on Nell Giffords blog, in a joint promotion with Olympus Cameras they were giving 100 happy snappers (& one guest) a chance to test out the newest Olympus camera on some of the Circus acts. Expert camera guidance would also be provided by pro photographer Damian McGillicuddy. Read more about A photo trip to Giffords[…]

My first foray into facinators

We are off to a wedding on Friday as Jam’s cousin Adam marries his FiancĂ©e Vicki (all the best people are called Vikki you see 🙂 ). Nanna O.B (Jam’s nanna) has picked a very sparkly outfit for the occasion and mentioned to me a while ago that she would quite like a fascinator to Read more about My first foray into facinators[…]

Some things old some things new

Over the bank holiday we headed over to Newbury to help Jam’s mum tidy out a few things. She has bought a house in Malta and so quite a few of her lovely things were up for grabs. Having admired the chestnut roaster and toasting fork as well as the fireside tools for some time Read more about Some things old some things new[…]

A late entry on the birthday front

On arriving home from Nichi and Liam’s wedding this amazing cake was waiting for me, the Jam came up with the flavour (lemon) while Carol our neighbour and baker extraordinaire baked it using a lemon yogurt recipe with added poppy seeds, I think you’ll agree it is phenomenal so thank you both very much (if you Read more about A late entry on the birthday front[…]

King Lear at the Bodleian

So last night we headed into Oxford to see the RSC touring production of King Lear. The lead part was played by Joseph Marcell who James recognised instantly as Geoffrey from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. He was wandering round the audience before the play started as were a few of the other actors. Read more about King Lear at the Bodleian[…]


This weekend one of the most recognisable landmarks in Oxfordshire was drastically changed. Didcot power station lost 3 of its 6 cooling towers (we were aiming to get up and see it but in the end it didn’t happen, here’s a link to the video though), the remaining 3 will be demolished next year. There was also Read more about Demolition[…]

Irregular Folk at the Perch

So on Saturday Jam, David and I headed off to Binsey Lane to The Perch for a fab day of folk courtesy of Vez and her amazing Bedouin tent, also known as Irregular Folk. First things first we sampled the Perch’s menu:  and then took a stroll wandering round the brilliant garden. (Alice in Wonderland in Read more about Irregular Folk at the Perch[…]