Making Christmas

It’s only going to be a brief post this evening I’m afraid my lovelies (but golden stars if you spotted the nightmare before Christmas reference from the title alone, I love that film and I’ve been sing making Christmas around the house as I work…). I thought I’d check in and let you know what Read more about Making Christmas[…]

Experimenting with copper foil

You  may remember a couple of weeks ago I headed to Ardington School of arts and crafts to complete a stained glass panel. The actual panel as seen below used copper foil for the dragonflies and then set them into the leading/a traditional stained glass leaded frame to complete the piece. While I was really pleased with how Read more about Experimenting with copper foil[…]

To mermaid or not to mermaid

It is not a very commonly known fact outside my group of fellow writers (we call ourselves the Booklings) that I am writing a novel which contains mermaids. We are also currently having our bathroom redone and I wanted to make a piece of art to go in it. As my current mania is very Read more about To mermaid or not to mermaid[…]

Abingdon Crafts for Christmas Fair

I took Friday off to have a good look round Abingdon Crafts for Christmas. I go every year but this year I knew that Vikki Lafford (now Vikki Lafford Garside) and her amazing machine embroidery creations would be there. I had to find her! I first came across Vikki’s work in the Cornerstone in Didcot, we were Read more about Abingdon Crafts for Christmas Fair[…]

Second stained glass class

This weekend I completed my second stained glass class under the expert tutorage of Sarah Glover. Before going to the class I was unsure what I wanted to make, at my first class I was convinced that I wanted to do an owl but this time I was torn between a mythical dragon (I blame Read more about Second stained glass class[…]

A visit to the gardens at Compton Acres

 Jam and I were down in Boscombe for a wedding (his cousins) and the reception was held in a mock Italian villa set in some of the Compton Acres gardens. What we saw of the gardens were so lovely we decided to go back the day after and look round the rest. So here is the Read more about A visit to the gardens at Compton Acres[…]