And then…

I have to say today seems a little anti climatic. Yesterday I sent off my final lot of print files (although I’ve got a stack of online files to check) and this morning I did my annual mince pies instead of Christmas cards round (better for the trees) AND we’ve had the production raffle AND we are singing carols at lunch. Maybe its not lack of Christmas cheer maybe its just the sheer amount of work… Plus I’ve just finished co writiung the football review of the year for the work league. The picture is my wonderful team (big Guns ‘N’ Roses vs terrible Lloyds team (Lloyds back door pharamacy). Lloyds team beat top of the table AC a-little silloutte-of-Millan to put us back in the race for the title (we were second but had the blues won it that would be the end of it) so a couple of words only COME ON TEAM!!!

Yesterday I finally did something I’ve been wanting to do for ages (steady). I bought one of the needlefelt scuptures for this very clever lady here . The one I bought is called Minxie and is a little red develish cat (I though her and witchcat would complement each other perfectly). Its being posted across the county as we speak and I can’t wait for her to reach us. In the meantime I should be tidying up the house, it looks like a festive bomb has gone off and my parents will be dropping round on Friday night for a cup of tea (if its still in the state that its in at the moment that won’t be good).

Mel and I watched River cottage last night (oh Hugh, you are so wonderful) and then I started making pastry whilst the crazy chocolate man was on. Unfortunately due to the amount of aforementioned mince pies it took me till midnight to finish. Hence I haven’t got any further with current read Corvus – my life with birds. Annoying but I do plan to get a heck of a lot of reading done over Christmas (when I’m not writing that is) and I’ve now started a list of books I’m going to take with me on holiday in Jan.

Its the Morris dancers Christmas meal tonight (and you know what that means? Tunes and real ale long into the night) and also a welcome chance to catch up with Fi after not seeing her at all last weekend so roll on tonight.

1 thought on “And then…

  • Thank you Vikki! Didn’t you just hate the chocolate family? I always enjoy Hugh’s antics, but I really found Willy and his brood a bit much. Christmas meal with Morris dancers sounds like a little bit of Heaven.

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