Hope everyone in blogland enjoyed the long weekend. I certainly did although rather more of it than I though was spent in bed as the horrible cold I have had for (count them) three weeks seemed to come back, but worse than ever (is it possible to have a cold relapse?). Despite this and some extended lie in’s (which reduced my gardening time substancially) I had a lovely weekend. Saturday was mainly spent catching up with Fi (who finally got my spinning wheel working perfectly (I love it, leaving it to come to work this morning was quite a strain)). Sunday I cleaned out the chickens (Trish & Malc are away for 3 whole weeks so in the meantime I’m birdwatching) and went round to Robin the violin tutor’s for an evening BBQ. What I wasn’t prepared for was that the chickens would decide to roost somewhere other than they are supposed to, meaning there was a slight stand off between me and Philip the cockrel (, he though I was messing with his birds but I stood firm and eventually he backed off, some photos of him & the lovely ladies will be appearing later on in the week, have no fear).

The BBQ itself was really nice, Robin cooked enough to feed the 5000 and I suspect had an ulterior motive for inviting me as he has confirmed a few more gigs he want me to do sound for (one alas that clashes with Towersey festival, and there is no way I’m missing that). Also in Steveton was this amazingly old fashioned fun fair, which it being some odd time on a Sunday night was deserted but I think these pictures give something of the feel of it. Yesterday it was supposed to rain so Louise and I pencilled in some Twilight action, in the end it was a lovely day so I used the morning to have a serious hack at the vegetable patch (the pumpkins and bolloti beans really do need to go in) but then gave in and headed round to hers laden with Pizza and crisps. I thought I’d finish the digging off tonight but my nose is running like a dripping tap and the lemsips seem to be having no effect whatsoever, I think it might be Gok & then bed. Foiled once again!