The last couple of
weekends have seen us lending some serious brawn to help with housebuilding and quite a bit of time travelling first to go and see some old friends from work, then we drove to visit Jam’s grandparents in Cardiff (on what was possibly the hottest day of the year so far). Added to that fact that I’ve been receiving rather a lot of attention on the commissioning front of late (first with a new dress commission and now a possible wedding assignment) added to general life things have meant that life has been pretty hectic. So this weekend we decided to take some time out, I cancelled band practice and Jam and I abandoned all clocks and concentrated on having a nice time instead.
Friday we headed out for an indian with Jam’s friends from work, it was delicious and even better was the fact I didn’t have to cook 🙂 Saturday was mostly sleeping, before doing some much needed shopping and having a nice wander round one of the local garden centres (this one also has an antiques section where I managed to get some books for my dad’s birthday, result). After Jam mowed the lawn (I hate doing it, so I weeded) and watching a couple of films it was an early night. Yesterday we had yet another lie in (yey) before heading off to a local 2nd hand furniture place to check out some bookcases I’d seen made out of old pews, sadly they had gone
meaning that yes I should have bought them when I saw them. We had a lazy lunch on the (freshly mown, looking very smart) lawn and then went strawberry and raspberry picking at our local farm peachcroft. Jam turned out to be born to pick raspberries (I thought I would have to drag him away) and we got a fair few nice strawbs as well (although the strawberry patch at home seems to be going great guns at the moment) returning home with our hoard we left them on the side for any ‘wildlife’ to escape (and used to opportunity to go see our friends Fi, Nick and little Alex before returning home and yes you guessed it making more Jam (we did the raspberry the strawberries have been frozen to process at a later date).
Today at work I feel great totally rested and with a happy glowy feeling inside. Result!