Time for a few more resolutions….


Before Christmas along the corridors of work I started noticing small blue and green posters asking if I had plans for the New Year? At that point I knew that 2014 was going to be an epic year but I wasn’t sure how exactly that was going to happen. Enter stage right the New Years Resolution Club, a group of females who will meet once a month, pin down exactly what it is they want to achieve and get there (guided by best friends Annabel & Sarah, our facilitators & leaders of the gang).

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The first session took place on a cold & windy night in the beautiful Turl Street Kitchen in the centre of Oxford. After welcoming us all (& letting us choose our notebooks, I went for purple surprise surprise) the ladies gave an overview of the sessions to come and revealed the topic of our first meet as vision. We were given tips on motivation and making our goals for the coming year SMART before we were thrown together with the rest of the class for some intensive speed networking (really good fun & I met some really fantastic fellow class mates). The final segment of the class (after a much needed cup of tea) was to cement our vision by building a vision board using images that appealed to us. You can see the result of my ripping below (unsurprisingly perhaps sewing & making things features quite largely).

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We then had to write a notelet to ourselves promising to do something specific in the next month (mine was to re-sort this blog, of which the first step was moving url, there is more to come though). These were collected up and will be posted to us as a reminder we promised & there should be action before our next meet!

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Finally before we left we had to write down a goal on the whiteboard, something specific that we will endeavour to do in the next year. I really enjoyed the class and meeting so many fantastic ladies. I’m a big fan of ripping images out & have lots of scrapbooks full of things I find inspiring on my desk. From the next workshop I’m hoping to get a better sense of how to set my goals so they are little steps leading to a bigger result as that’s what I struggle with (my natural reaction is to throw myself at the bigger problem, get frustrated that I can’t solve it and give up), but we’ll see. Further adventures of the club can be found on their wordpress site here http://newyearsresolutionclub.wordpress.com/

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