Sometimes something comes into your life at a time which is exactly the right point and that thing, which originally might have been quite small starts a domino effect and before you know what’s happening your considering things that you just weren’t considering before. If you are a regular reader of this blog you will know that I have made it my mission to make as much difference to as many causes as possible during my lifetime. At work I’ve been working with our green team recycling, and I’ve just taken on a role as deputy charities rep, trying to make as much money as possible for the charities our staff nominate.
One of those nominated this year was the Bone Cancer Research Trust. Two years ago a wonderful guy called Alex Lewis died of this horrible, horrible cancer, he was so brave but because bone cancer doesn’t get as much exposure as some of the other cancers the treatment hasn’t moved on as much & Alex died. He left one heck of a legacy however which is encapsulated in this film
You ca find out more about the work that BCRT do here
And sponsor me here